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Happy Heart Month

February is Heart Month and the numbers coming in from the Evening Walking Program are confirmation that we are walking to keep our hearts healthy! Great going!!

The Evening Walking Program saw a 25% increase in registration in January 2020. That may be why we39;re seeing a lower minute average for January in the chart above. I39;m thinking if f everyone does just 5 minutes more  each night they39;re at the school, we can pull that average up.  Let39;s keep those 2020 resolutions strong!!

This chart indicates the total average steps per month broken down by evening. I find this one especially interesting and am hoping to see February surpass all of the other months!

I hope you enjoy this information and find that it is encouraging to you in your journey to even better health and please feel free to share with your family and friends. 

If anyone would like a breakdown of their particpation, I will be more than happy to individualize after this program concludes at the end of March. Send me a note to

I39;d like to thank our volunteers for their continuing commitment to the Evening Walking Program. We would not be able to sustain the program without them 10083;

Walk Your Way To Better Health

Physical Activity -

Happy Heart Month!
