Colorectal Cancer Screening
Am I at an Increased Risk?
✅ Immediate family member (parent, sibling, or child) with a history of colorectal cancer
Contact your Primary Care Provider about arranging for a colonoscopy.
They will recommend repeating this test every five to ten years, depending on your family history and the results of your previous colonoscopies.
No Primary Care Provider in Prince Edward County?
Call us for an appointment at 613-476-0400 ext. 239
Am I at Average Risk?
✅ No family history of colorectal cancer
✅ If you are between the age of 50 -74 years
Contact your Primary Care Provider about getting a FIT (fecal immunochemical test) kit.
They will recommend to repeat this test every two years.
No Primary Care Provider in Prince Edward County?
Call us for an appointment at 613-476-0400 ext. 239