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Current News
We're Updating our PEFHT Website!
We've been busy behind the scenes redeveloping our current website. Our new PEFHT website is being designed with ... Full Story
Wednesday, July 24
Survey Going Out This Weekend!
The Prince Edward Family Health Team is looking for your feedback. If you attended any of our Community Clinics for ... Full Story
Friday, July 12
HIgher Risk Footcare Program Highlighted
Tune into 99.3 County FM  Listen to 99.3 CountyFM - Live Streaming - (993countyfm.ca) Lynn Hastings with our ... Full Story
Tuesday, July 9

Higher Risk Foot Care

A comprehensive lower limb and foot exam for patient with diabetes and/or peripheral vascular disease to determine their potential risk of foot complications secondary to diabetes and/or peripheral vascular disease.

Ask about a referral to our Foot Care Clinic if you have any of the following:

  • Have poor circulation in your legs
  • Are diabetic

Our Foot Care nurses work collaboratively with:

  • Physicians and Nurse Practitioners
  • Our Wound Management Nurse
  • Our Diabetic Educator
  • Quinte Health Care Corporation (QHC)
  • Community services providers


The goals of the Foot Care Clinic are to:

  • Promote comfortable and safe mobility
  • Reduce the risk of skin breakdown, skin ulcers and toe or foot amputation
  • Improve your ability to manage your own foot care if possible
  • Provide competent foot care for eligible patients who are unable to manage their own foot care


Our Foot Care Clinic Nurses will:

  • Monitor your skin condition and circulation
  • Provide foot care as needed
  • Review information with you about footwear
  • Refer you for pressure relief and orthotics as needed
  • Provide education to help you take care of your feet at home if appropriate
  • Arrange follow-up appointments or referrals as needed


Patient Resources

Community Resources  (click image for PDF)


Location and Days of Operation

Tuesday,  Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 

Harbourview Clinic
35 Bridge Street Suite 1, Picton, ON

Sandbanks Medical Centre
12 Prince Edward Drive, Wellington, ON

Contact Information

Stefanie Rashotte RPN/FCN 
613-476-0400 ext. 216 (Picton)
613-399-1281 (Wellington)

Lynn Hastings, RPN/FCN 
613-476-0400 ext. 216 (Picton)
613-399-1281 (Wellington)