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We're Updating our PEFHT Website!
We've been busy behind the scenes redeveloping our current website. Our new PEFHT website is being designed with ... Full Story
Wednesday, July 24
Survey Going Out This Weekend!
The Prince Edward Family Health Team is looking for your feedback. If you attended any of our Community Clinics for ... Full Story
Friday, July 12
HIgher Risk Footcare Program Highlighted
Tune into 99.3 County FM  Listen to 99.3 CountyFM - Live Streaming - (993countyfm.ca) Lynn Hastings with our ... Full Story
Tuesday, July 9

PEFHT Programs

The Prince Edward Family Health Team currently offers a number of programs, including:

Cardiac Rehabilitation: Cardiac Rehabilitation is a secondary disease prevention program consisting of exercise and education by a multidisciplinary team.  The program is proven to improve participant’s quality of life and to facilitate the adoption of a healthy and active lifestyle following a cardiac event.

CCP (Coordinated Care Program)Provides predominantly home-based care and coordination of care for the most frail residents with multiple co-morbidities and higher socio-economic need.  Palliative care is an integral part of this program

Clinical Nutrition: Registered dietitians empowering patients in making appropriate food choices for disease prevention and the treatment of nutrition-related conditions.

Community Clinic: This is a PEFHT program designed to provide problem-specific primary care to unattached residents of Prince Edward County. It builds on the success of existing unattached programs and the COVID, Cold, and Flu Care Clinics that were operational this past year and the year before.

Diabetes Education: A comprehensive diabetes management program aimed at supporting patients and families in their diabetes self-management through education, medication adjustment and collaborative goal setting.  To work closely with clients and their families living with diabetes in PEC, along with their physicians and nurse practitioners.  We promote self-management and improve quality of life through education, motivation and through supporting behavioral change in clients and families living with diabetes.

Higher Risk Foot Care Program: A comprehensive lower limb and foot exam for patients with diabetes and/or peripheral vascular disease to determine their potential risk of foot complications secondary to diabetes and/or peripheral vascular disease.

Lung Health: A comprehensive lung health program aimed at early detection, reducing advancement of disease and implementation of self-management approaches to manage through the spectrum of condition progression through to palliative care. For those living with or at risk of developing lung disease to have the best quality of life possible.

Maternal Infant Child: Education for prenatal care, birthing information, breastfeeding support and well-baby visits.

Memory Clinic: A program that provides timely assessment and diagnosis for patients with suspected cognitive impairments and/or dementia.

Mental Health: Promote mental health awareness and illness prevention in the community and counselling of patients in an individual or group setting.

Palliative Care: The Palliative Care Program is to provide quality, seamless palliative care for patients and their families.

Pharmacy Service: Identify, prevent and resolve medication-related problems; provide drug information and education.

Preventative Care Clinics: Providing cancer screening clinics to people without a family doctor or nurse practitioner and who live in Prince Edward County

Smoking Cessation: The PEFHT smoking Cessation support services provide individualized support and education for smokers of all ages who are interested in quitting.

Visiting ConsultantSpecialty Services provided by consultants that visit Prince Edward County accessible care close to home.

Wound Care: Provide quality wound care based on Best Practice Guidelines; provide patients with information to help reduce the risks of infection and other complications; develop patients' skills to manage wound care at home if appropriate.

PEFHT Services

Acute Episodic Care NP Clinic

Advanced Care Planning

Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN)

Self-Management Workshops

Smoking Cessation

To participate in PEFHT programs/services speak to your family doctor for referral or call PEFHT reception at Harbourview Clinic  613-476-0400 ext. 0 for more information.